Saturday, October 26, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
William Sanders Stinnett 1772
3rd Spouse of William Sanders Stinnett: Abigail Poindexter
(b.Abt 1772)
2. John
Stinnett (b.1801-Alabama)
4th sp: UNKNOWN
2. Joseph
Anderson Stinnett
5th sp : Nancy
Carter (b.Abt 1750-,Amherst Co.,Virginia;m.13 Jul 1789)
2. William
Hightower Stinnett (b.3 Nov 1787-Va.;d.Bef 1870)
Elizabeth Bynum (b.11 Mar 1791;m.1810)
Monday, May 6, 2013
Standing next to an old Model A Ford are: Harry Bannon, Louise (Escalle) Bannon, and Edness (Rhoads) Escalle. Edness was married to Frank, and this house in the photo is where they lived outside Earlimart, California. It was a two-room house with no bathroom. That room was outside. It was "a beautiful two-holer" according to Frank. I think Harry and Louise were living in Fresno at the time. Although this is not a photo of any part of my family. I loved the way this photo was shared and it said a lot about the time.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Dad worked for Homer Mitchel, he farmed land all the way out to Sand Ridge. I don't know exactly where this was taken but somewhere west of Mitchel's ranch, and five or six miles south of town, Alpaugh. The canal system was built in 1914, but Mitchel used his own wells and pumps for water. Sorry, I'm a bit of a history geek.
Okie....and Prune Picker
In the Earlimart-Delano area during the 1950's there were still many Okies residing in the area that had arrived in the 1930's and 1940's. They brought with them their children, plus they had progeny (offspring) after their arrival.
I was born a "Prune Picker" in California as the offspring of Missouri parents in 1942...Because of the chaotic havoc I wrought in the Delivery Room when I chased a ...perky nurse, the Hospital paid my terrified parents to take me home immediately. Not to worry, everything turned out OK in my life after I served time in the Reformatory for taking some of my kindergarten classmates for a "joy ride" in a "borrowed" post-World War II Army Jeep.
Being a full-blooded Earlimartian and a "Generic Okie," let me elucidate what the "Okie Culture" was like during the 1940's and 1950's in the Earlimart-Delano Area...THERE EXISTED AN OKIE SOCIETAL-ECONOMIC SCALE --- THERE WERE 3 CLASSES OF OKIES:
SWAMP OKIES: Lowest of the Okies on the "societal-economic scale"...Shabby housing...No indoor plumbing...Sparse meals...Few clothes...Girls generally had one dress and no shoes...Boys usually had one shirt, no shoes, and one pair of pants...Pant leg bottoms were generally several inches too short because the child had outgrown their pants, hence because they wore "high water pants" they were called "Swamp Okies."...I remember a "Swamp Okie" type-girl from Delano • telling me several years after she gradated from Delano High School that one of her years in high school she wore the same dress to school everyday because that was all she had...She became very successful in life...Kudos to her!!!
• REGULAR OKIES: Modest housing... Usually ate two or three meals a day...Had newer and a more clothes than the "Swamp Okies" and had at least one pair of shoes...Owned a car while some of the "Swamp Okies" didn't...Could afford to go the Joy Theater a few times a month.
1. • SUPER OKIES: Some owned small farms, stores or business's that provided services or they worked as hired help in the stores or business's...They generally
2. did not work in the fields as hired help...Some had "county or state government jobs." Generally ate "three square meals" a day...Had several changes of clothes and had more than one pair of shoes...Usually had a car less than 5 years or 6 years old...Most "Super Okies" were "down to earth" people, but a few of the "Super Okies" were perceived as "snooty" by some "Swamp Okies" and "Regular Okies."
There was a perception by many of the "Earlimart Okies" (not all) that some "Delano Okies" (not all) did not look favorably toward "Earlimart Okies" because they were stereotyped as "rough and tumble people" and in a few instances referred to as "criminal-types."
I can remember several of my Earlimart friends wanting to date Delano girls, but the girl's parents wouldn't allow it because the "date asker" was from Earlimart...This happened to me three times in high school...In my case, the Delano parents probably made a wise decision (They had heard about my "joy ride" escapade when I was a "wild and crazy" Kindergartner. Let this be a lesson to you, bad publicity will follow you around for a lifetime. Darn, those Delano girls were cute too!!!
Max Souder, Earlimart Historian, Full-blooded Earlimartian, Generic Okie, and DJHS Class of 1960
This one picture of a family of swamp Okies was the only one found. All the regular Okies moved to the Midwest, the Super Okies both moved to Las Vegas.See More
I was born a "Prune Picker" in California as the offspring of Missouri parents in 1942...Because of the chaotic havoc I wrought in the Delivery Room when I chased a ...perky nurse, the Hospital paid my terrified parents to take me home immediately. Not to worry, everything turned out OK in my life after I served time in the Reformatory for taking some of my kindergarten classmates for a "joy ride" in a "borrowed" post-World War II Army Jeep.
Being a full-blooded Earlimartian and a "Generic Okie," let me elucidate what the "Okie Culture" was like during the 1940's and 1950's in the Earlimart-Delano Area...THERE EXISTED AN OKIE SOCIETAL-ECONOMIC SCALE --- THERE WERE 3 CLASSES OF OKIES:
SWAMP OKIES: Lowest of the Okies on the "societal-economic scale"...Shabby housing...No indoor plumbing...Sparse meals...Few clothes...Girls generally had one dress and no shoes...Boys usually had one shirt, no shoes, and one pair of pants...Pant leg bottoms were generally several inches too short because the child had outgrown their pants, hence because they wore "high water pants" they were called "Swamp Okies."...I remember a "Swamp Okie" type-girl from Delano • telling me several years after she gradated from Delano High School that one of her years in high school she wore the same dress to school everyday because that was all she had...She became very successful in life...Kudos to her!!!
• REGULAR OKIES: Modest housing... Usually ate two or three meals a day...Had newer and a more clothes than the "Swamp Okies" and had at least one pair of shoes...Owned a car while some of the "Swamp Okies" didn't...Could afford to go the Joy Theater a few times a month.
1. • SUPER OKIES: Some owned small farms, stores or business's that provided services or they worked as hired help in the stores or business's...They generally
2. did not work in the fields as hired help...Some had "county or state government jobs." Generally ate "three square meals" a day...Had several changes of clothes and had more than one pair of shoes...Usually had a car less than 5 years or 6 years old...Most "Super Okies" were "down to earth" people, but a few of the "Super Okies" were perceived as "snooty" by some "Swamp Okies" and "Regular Okies."
There was a perception by many of the "Earlimart Okies" (not all) that some "Delano Okies" (not all) did not look favorably toward "Earlimart Okies" because they were stereotyped as "rough and tumble people" and in a few instances referred to as "criminal-types."
I can remember several of my Earlimart friends wanting to date Delano girls, but the girl's parents wouldn't allow it because the "date asker" was from Earlimart...This happened to me three times in high school...In my case, the Delano parents probably made a wise decision (They had heard about my "joy ride" escapade when I was a "wild and crazy" Kindergartner. Let this be a lesson to you, bad publicity will follow you around for a lifetime. Darn, those Delano girls were cute too!!!
Max Souder, Earlimart Historian, Full-blooded Earlimartian, Generic Okie, and DJHS Class of 1960
This one picture of a family of swamp Okies was the only one found. All the regular Okies moved to the Midwest, the Super Okies both moved to Las Vegas.See More
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Earlimart, General store and Hotel.
I'm posting this for Lavonne, who is posting it for Max. No matter who's doing what, this is a very interesting old picture. The first picture was taken in 1927 of the Harry R. Cannon General Merchandise Store. This was the first Earlimart Post Office, it was located in the southwest corner of the store until 1920. Notice the upper floor of the Hardware Store was the location of the "Peacock Hotel". Those 12 rooms were later converted into three apartments. The Peacock Cafe was taken out and used as floor space for the hardware store.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Poem about Levi Colbert and his daughter
This is a poem written about Levi Colbert and his daughter a princess Vici Colbert. Levi is the son of James Colbert.
A Legend Of Pontotoc
Land of fertile hills and valleys
On the ridge of Punctacontuc
Near the vale of Puncahala-
"Hanging Grapes' the pale face called it-
Lived a happy tribe of Chicsas
Hunting, fishing, carefree ever.
Where the Ittawambamingo
Led his people as their chieftain,
Later known as Levi Colbert.
Then a white man on adventure
Came among them; an explorer
Seeking homes for his own people,
Saw the fertile hills and valleys-
Saw the Ridge of Punctacontuc,
And the vale of Puncahala;
And he said, "Here have I found the
Garden spot of God's creation!
And the white man must possess it,
We must own these vine-clad ridges,
They will bring us untold riches
When we rid them of these red men
And their huts of cane and willow.
For a string of beads we'll buy it
And the government will aid us.
We will send the Indian westward-
Give him land beyond the river,
And he'll never know the difference."
Little knew he how they loved the
Tangled wood of Punctacontuc;
How their hearts were wrung with anguish
When land offices were builded
And they heard the heartless edict,
"Sell your lands and move you westward!"
Then old Ittawambamingo
Sat within his hut and sorrowed,
Bent his head upon his bosom-
Dared not look upon his people
When he knew he could not aid them.
Softly then into his cabin
Ghostly shadows took their places,
On his brow their clammy fingers
Wrote the words of Desolation
that had come upon his people.
Then the white men came in numbers
From the Eastern states to settle
On the beauteous Punctacontuc
Bought for naught from Chicsa Indians,
Whom they sent across the River.
Not an Indian man was granted
Leave to live on there among them.
Nor an Indian Squaw of Maiden,
Save she chanced to catch the fancy
Of some white man who desired her
To become his wife in marriage.
At the doorway of her cabin
Sat the lovely Vici Colbert,
Princess of her tribe of people.
By her side were grapes in garlands
And her lap was filled with chestnuts,
For the frost of Autumn threatened
And the air was crisp and buoyant.
But the pretty Indian princess
Was unconscious of the present.
She was thinking of that morning
When she gathered grapes and chestnuts
Down the vale of Puncahala,
When the young man from Virginia
Came upon her in the grape-vine.
He had gently smiled upon her-
Asked her name and lingered near her-
Told her softly of her beauty.
And the lovely Indian Princess
Who had spurned the oft repeated
Tales of love from brave Topulka
Knew her heart would beat forever
For the youth from Old Virginia,
To the Princess came her Portion
Of the Colbert lands so fertile
Which was worth an unknown fortune.
And the happy Indian princess
Conscious of her striking beauty
And her wealth of untold riches
Hoped to wed the gay Virginian.
She could give him wealth unbounded
And her heart of love unending,
For his name- the law's condition
That she live at Punctacontuc.
But in vain the maiden waited
For her faithless pale face lover.
All her lands were sold for silver,
And she left her haunts primeval
For a home in strange location.
And her heart she left, unwanted,
In the care of the Virginian.
In a home of Wealth and Culture
In the State of Old Virginia,
Wedding guests were hushed- expectant-
Down the stairs the bride was coming,
All her maidens standing near her.
At the foot the bridegroom waited,
And the solemn vows were taken.
Away they sped to Miche Sepa,
To the ridge of Punctacontuc.
Eagerly the young Virginian
Brought his bride to Punctacontuc-
Pontotoc, they learned to call it.
And they made their home upon the
Land he'd bought from Levi Colbert.
Now and then he lightly pondered
On the beauty of the Princess,
And he wondered where she's wandered,
Little dreaming that her heart was
Left with him at Punctacontuc
To remain with him forever.
Every year the breath of Autumn
Strikes the leaves at Punctacontuc
Turning them gold and crimson
A memorial to the princess
Whose young life was crowned with sorrow.
They had been her favorite colors,
Bright and Beautiful she called them.
And in memory of their princess
All the woods at Punctacontuc
Wear her colors in the Autumn.
Lovely hills of Punctacontuc,
Pontotoc, they've learned to call it. (1)
(1) Mrs. Dabney Anderson, Pontotoc Progress, Pontotoc, Miss.
by Mrs. Julia Anderson
In the land of Miche SepaLand of fertile hills and valleys
On the ridge of Punctacontuc
Near the vale of Puncahala-
"Hanging Grapes' the pale face called it-
Lived a happy tribe of Chicsas
Hunting, fishing, carefree ever.
Where the Ittawambamingo
Led his people as their chieftain,
Later known as Levi Colbert.
Then a white man on adventure
Came among them; an explorer
Seeking homes for his own people,
Saw the fertile hills and valleys-
Saw the Ridge of Punctacontuc,
And the vale of Puncahala;
And he said, "Here have I found the
Garden spot of God's creation!
And the white man must possess it,
We must own these vine-clad ridges,
They will bring us untold riches
When we rid them of these red men
And their huts of cane and willow.
For a string of beads we'll buy it
And the government will aid us.
We will send the Indian westward-
Give him land beyond the river,
And he'll never know the difference."
Little knew he how they loved the
Tangled wood of Punctacontuc;
How their hearts were wrung with anguish
When land offices were builded
And they heard the heartless edict,
"Sell your lands and move you westward!"
Then old Ittawambamingo
Sat within his hut and sorrowed,
Bent his head upon his bosom-
Dared not look upon his people
When he knew he could not aid them.
Softly then into his cabin
Ghostly shadows took their places,
On his brow their clammy fingers
Wrote the words of Desolation
that had come upon his people.
Then the white men came in numbers
From the Eastern states to settle
On the beauteous Punctacontuc
Bought for naught from Chicsa Indians,
Whom they sent across the River.
Not an Indian man was granted
Leave to live on there among them.
Nor an Indian Squaw of Maiden,
Save she chanced to catch the fancy
Of some white man who desired her
To become his wife in marriage.
At the doorway of her cabin
Sat the lovely Vici Colbert,
Princess of her tribe of people.
By her side were grapes in garlands
And her lap was filled with chestnuts,
For the frost of Autumn threatened
And the air was crisp and buoyant.
But the pretty Indian princess
Was unconscious of the present.
She was thinking of that morning
When she gathered grapes and chestnuts
Down the vale of Puncahala,
When the young man from Virginia
Came upon her in the grape-vine.
He had gently smiled upon her-
Asked her name and lingered near her-
Told her softly of her beauty.
And the lovely Indian Princess
Who had spurned the oft repeated
Tales of love from brave Topulka
Knew her heart would beat forever
For the youth from Old Virginia,
To the Princess came her Portion
Of the Colbert lands so fertile
Which was worth an unknown fortune.
And the happy Indian princess
Conscious of her striking beauty
And her wealth of untold riches
Hoped to wed the gay Virginian.
She could give him wealth unbounded
And her heart of love unending,
For his name- the law's condition
That she live at Punctacontuc.
But in vain the maiden waited
For her faithless pale face lover.
All her lands were sold for silver,
And she left her haunts primeval
For a home in strange location.
And her heart she left, unwanted,
In the care of the Virginian.
In a home of Wealth and Culture
In the State of Old Virginia,
Wedding guests were hushed- expectant-
Down the stairs the bride was coming,
All her maidens standing near her.
At the foot the bridegroom waited,
And the solemn vows were taken.
Away they sped to Miche Sepa,
To the ridge of Punctacontuc.
Eagerly the young Virginian
Brought his bride to Punctacontuc-
Pontotoc, they learned to call it.
And they made their home upon the
Land he'd bought from Levi Colbert.
Now and then he lightly pondered
On the beauty of the Princess,
And he wondered where she's wandered,
Little dreaming that her heart was
Left with him at Punctacontuc
To remain with him forever.
Every year the breath of Autumn
Strikes the leaves at Punctacontuc
Turning them gold and crimson
A memorial to the princess
Whose young life was crowned with sorrow.
They had been her favorite colors,
Bright and Beautiful she called them.
And in memory of their princess
All the woods at Punctacontuc
Wear her colors in the Autumn.
Lovely hills of Punctacontuc,
Pontotoc, they've learned to call it. (1)
(1) Mrs. Dabney Anderson, Pontotoc Progress, Pontotoc, Miss.
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