Capt. John James Acton, Sr. was my my 4th Great Grandfather.
His parents were James Acton and Elizabeth McCraft (my 5th G Grandparents) James Acton's parents were John Acton and Mary Austin (my 6th Grandparents). John's parents were Henry Acton and Anne Marriott Penn (my 7th Grandparents) Henry's parents were Henry Acton, Sr. 1632-1685 and Hannah Corbett, 1643-1685, from England ( my 8th Grandparents) Henry Sr's parents were Richard Acton, 1626-1690, and Anne Bright, 1592- (my 9th Grandparents. Richard's parents were John "Ecton", 1600-1660, and Verlinder "Ecton", 1605-1670 mCapt. John James Acton, Sr. was my my 4th Great Grandfather.
His parents were James Acton and Elizabeth McCraft (my 5th G Grandparents) James Acton's parents were John Acton and Mary Austin (my 6th Grandparents). John's parents were Henry Acton and Anne Marriott Penn (my 7th Grandparents) Henry's parents were Henry Acton, Sr. 1632-1685 and Hannah Corbett, 1643-1685, from England ( my 8th Grandparents) Henry Sr's parents were Richard Acton, 1626-1690, and Anne Bright, 1592- (my 9th Grandparents. Richard's parents were John "Ecton", 1600-1660, and Verlinder "Ecton", 1605-1670 my 10th Grandparents Hope that helps!y 10th Grandparents Hope that helps!
I've been doing some research on the Acton family and some of it is spotty. I'm a descendent of Stephen Vincent Acton from Shelby county Alabama. My geneology is linked to Captain John James Acton. Faye Acton wrote "The Actons a Quest for Family History" and all my Actons are listed in her book. From my understanding, the Acton's, Lee's, Bailey's, Sellers, and Morris families are all connected because they were early pioneers of Alabama. I found some history about my family located in the Shelby county museum in Alabama.